Gargle Away Packet
Mailbox Toluca Lake Insight
Best Use: Recovery/Prevention
We have had customers report that within 1-2 days of use, gargle away has staved off many symptoms related to the common cold and flu as well as severe irritation of the throat.
Mix contents of 1 packet into 1/2 cup of hot water. Stir. Let cool until warm so you do not burn yourself. THEN, tilt head back and gargle 10-15 seconds, spit out and repeat until all liquid is used. Stir before each gargle so the healing ingredients do not settle at the bottom of your cup. Repeat throughout the day as necessary.
Best after meals and before you sleep. IF TOO SPICY, use less powder with same amount of water and follow directions above.
AVOID SWALLOWING. However, not harmful if swallowed. The objective is to expel mucus and germs - hence, the gargle process to shake things up, rinse with a powerful recipe and expel all the gunk.